It is an indisputable fact that millions of people all around the world are obsessed with being beautiful and who spend many more billions of dollars in trying to chase away wrinkles and have firm skin as well as look for the perfect solution to their beauty needs that who may not quite comprehend or even want to know some home truths about many of the beauty products available on the market today. The amount of advertising that hits us each day is enough to brainwash even the most skeptical into believing what the cosmetic industry wants us to believe.So Many Products, So Many ClaimsThus, with so many different beauty products on offer and with each having its own promises and also guarantees, most consumers would be hard pressed in knowing whether the claims made about these beauty products are in fact true or mere hype. It would certainly take more than reading the labels on each product to find out the truth behind the beauty products, and given the fact that there are billions of dollars at stake for the cosmetics industry, there is sure to be much colorful words used to describe the promises that each such product makes. Basically, it all boils down to clever advertising with the aim being to beguile the customer into buying the beauty products and there may not be much consideration given to the real effectiveness of these products.Worse still, in countries such as Canada, there are no laws to govern labeling of products and thus manufacturers have a free hand to make any claims they want to make. Even in the US, where it is necessary for the ingredients used to be mentioned on the labels, things are not much better because it is only chemists who would understand what those ingredients really are.Today, almost all new beauty products claim to have the magic elixir that will rid consumers of whatever ails them and all that is needed is to replenish and also revitalize the skin in order to make it smooth and soft as well as supple. However, what is not mentioned is that those beauty products may be loaded with chemicals that can actually harm your health, while possible removing some signs of your aging process.Thus, you would be well advised to take these claims with a pinch of salt and save yourself the bother of using beauty products without careful thought and thus not risk developing potentially serious health problems later on.
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The Benefits of Wooden Furniture
Wooden furniture is timeless and beautiful. There’s nothing like natural wood, a wonderful, warm and attractive material when it comes to furniture. Wooden furniture can be broken down into three main categories: rustic, traditional or modern. Regardless of style, wooden furniture is durable and if well cared for, it can last a lifetime. This article highlights the benefits of wooden furniture however, before we begin it’s important to look at a brief history to give you a better perspective on this natural gift.Wood furniture has a reach history dating back to the British Monarchy circa 1550. The Antique period in Britain has been highlighted by Elizabeth and Tudor, Jacobean and Regency to name a few. In France, we have seen the Renaissance period followed by the early Colonial in America. The development of timber such as solid oak was used as a primary source for furniture. Design wise, the introduction of wooden “settle” or long wooden benches with high backs and “armoires”, wooden cupboards is evident. Walnut, cherry, mahogany, oak and beech wood was later used in a variety of wooden products from beds, chairs and tables and bookcases. Let’s now look at the advantages of natural wood when used for furniture making.One of the benefits of wooden furniture is that, it brigs a luxurious, warm and rich feeling into a home. A home is a sanctuary, a place where one comes to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Given that wood is still available in abundance, although we can argue differently here, it is fairly easy to find a wooden furniture piece that suits your personal style and comfort. In addition to creating a natural living space, wood is also easy to clean and maintain as mentioned earlier.Cost is another benefit. Given the large number of furniture stores, one can find a beautiful and durable wooden piece to fit a budget. This is made possible given the variety of wood types from pine, maple and cherry wood. Pine for example, is an inexpensive wood however, it retains the richness and quality that wooden furniture is known for. If you like a more unique furniture piece made from rosewood, a Brazilian wood, you can also impress your friends with this excellent, unique and rare furniture piece. All in all, affordability is there for all which makes this a desirable and wise choice when it comes to furniture.Wood furniture also provides the green or eco-friendliness factor. Furniture made out of reclaimed wood, typically recycled from old buildings, provides a good way to reduce deforestation and manufacturing waste that can harm the environment. Now days, it is quiet easy and fashionable to have your home more eco-friendly. If you are driving a Prius, you most likely are considering or already have bought other green products. Why not get a beautiful, natural furniture piece from your favorite furniture shop?Another added benefit of wood is that you can use it for both indoor and outdoor purposes. Wooden floors look beautiful and really open up the space in a room along with maintaining a more hygienic home vs. carpeting that can attract a lot of dust and thereby contribute to allergies. Wicker furniture such as wickers chairs, wicker coffee tables are great and attractive furniture pieces you can add to your patio or sunroom. Think about how many times your Wal-Mart plastic chair broke. Why not invest into something that is durable, beautiful and easy to maintain?Given the benefits of wooden furniture outlined such as durability, ease of care, affordable price points, eco-friendliness, design variety and richness that wood furniture can bring into a home, you are now better informed to make a decision on your next furniture piece. We encourage you to visit your favorite furniture shops, ask questions and get the perfect wooden furniture chair, table, bed or whatever it may be that you can enjoy comfortably for many years to come.
Understanding Holistic Health
Many people are looking for a more holistic health approach to meet their health care needs these days, but don’t quite understand what it means or how it will benefit them. More and more consumers are becoming aware that our current health care system is failing us in more ways than one and some kind of action is required, but get frightened or diverted by other’s negative perceptions and skepticism of natural health which is really based on misinformation and lack of understanding.Most skepticism of alternative health modalities is fueled by the unfortunate fact that modern medicine tries to discredit alternative means of healing because it is much more profitable for them to use surgery and pharmaceuticals, not on any real grounds for concern. The topic of alternative health always brings out the doubting Thomas’s who scream quackery and voodoo. You may hear that they tried a holistic method without any success or that they had some weird side effect or even felt worse.Here’s a couple important points to keep in mind. Their experience may be true but that does not mean it is true for everyone and there could be other reasons that contributed to their experience. We can very easily find another group of people who had great success and no side effects with the exact same treatment method they used.This is because not everyone’s body responds to a particular treatment or healing approach in the exact same way. Even though you may share the same health condition with someone else, each of you has a unique body chemistry and genetics and the same disease can have a different process or impact from person to person. Each of these factors influences the results that will be achieved. In addition to that, someone with a liver, lymph system, endocrine system or other organ or system that doesn’t function optimally may have a very different response than someone who has healthier organs and systems.Just because one treatment approach is ineffective for one person, does not meant it will be ineffective for you or others and that doesn’t mean that “all” holistic health care is ineffective. Results can be completely different from individual to individual. A lot of times it requires some trial and error to find what works best with your biochemistry and specific circumstances.Additionally, this is true whether we are talking about a holistic health method or traditional pharmaceuticals. Regardless of whether we’re talking about natural remedies or prescription drugs, what is effective for one may not work at all for another, but overall holistic health is much more effective and a lot safer. We can find hundreds of thousands of people who have severe side effects, get worse, develop more serious health conditions or even die from prescription drugs. On the other hand, these events are rare within the field of natural health.Holistic health or alternative health has actually been around longer than prescription medication or so called “modern” medicine. Plants and herbs have been used successfully to heal by many civilizations for centuries and most pharmaceutical drugs have their roots in herbal medicine. For example, the common and popular aspirin originated from an herb called white willow bark.However, a crucial fact that many are not aware of is that just because something is natural does not mean it will automatically be free of side effects, complications or risks. Many people doctor themselves before first doing their homework and having a thorough understanding of the method they are using.Herbs, plants, vitamins, minerals, or any alternative treatment method can be just as potent as a prescription and requires a great deal of education and research to be sure you achieve the desired results. They should be taken or performed as prescribed by a knowledgeable health care provider. For example: some holistic remedies that are effective for depression can have a negative effect on someone with Parkinson’s.Too much or too little of a particular herb can be ineffective, while too much of a vitamin or mineral can be just as bad as not enough. There can be complications or interactions even within natural substances, as one herb or even treatment modality such as massage or acupuncture may counteract or rev up another treatment approach and vitamins and minerals work in conjunction with one anotherAdditionally, herbs and other natural substances can interact with prescription medication and reduce it’s effectiveness and vice versa. Its extremely important that you consult with a holistic health care provider and disclose all medications and conditions prior to medicating yourself.Another important issue that may impact results of a holistic health remedy is the quality of the product or service you use. It’s vital to do your homework in this area as well and only use products and services from reputable companies. The natural health field is not immune to sales hype and scamming. You must be a diligent and informed consumer regardless of what path you follow.Breaking free from the old way of thinking that conditions us to believe that drugs and surgery are the superior method of treatment can be frightening and difficult. It may seem foreign, threatening or strange at first, but when you get the facts about holistic health, you realize that it makes a lot of sense.Holistic health offers us an abundance of wholesome, non-toxic, affordable approaches from herbal remedies and nutritional supplements to massage, acupuncture, yoga, detoxification, changes in lifestyle, environment and diet or colon cleaning, chiropractic manipulations, meditation and many more that attempt to not only restore balance and harmony in the body, but to society and the planet as well.It’s an empowering approach where the patient works with the health care provider as a team and is encouraged to be an active participant in the health care plan, educate themselves about their condition and engage in a variety of self-care techniques and practices.Unlike modern medicine, which only attempts to suppress symptoms, holistic medicine attempts to correct the health condition by finding the underlying cause. Instead of stuffing everyone in a cookie cutter treatment plan, holistic health care is a whole body/mind approach that is individualized according to each person’s specific needs.The ultimate goal is to enable each person to reach their highest sense of well-being, function as optimally as possible and live life as fully as possible regardless of the presence or absence of disease.
Becoming an Automotive Technician
Auto technicians use both wrenches and computer programs with equal ease.. Cars today operate with the assistance of computer systems that control heating and cooling systems, fuel feed, ignition and and several of the conveniences such as the sound system and GPS programs. The challenges for auto technicians today include the traditional variations in design and functionality used by various auto makers. Equally challenging is the fact that auto producers continually upgrade the technology used to operate today’s vehicles.You can study with auto manufacturers. In order to keep auto technicians up to date many manufacturers operate training schools who want to learn from the source. Nissan, BMW, Toyota and Ford all offer training programs that lead to certification. Continuing education is also offered by many of the other auto makers; sometimes those courses are available at automotive vocational schools. The changes in both design and complexity for the inner workings of automobiles change much more rapidly today than a generation agoChoose an area of expertise. Most auto technician training facilities separate their teaching into three areas: Basic auto repair, collision repair, and diesel maintenance and repair. Diesel mechanics typically work on buses and trucks. The salaries for all three of these options have a variation of about ten percent among them, according to the Department of Labor.Many automotive professionals seek certification. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) offers a testing program that leads to certification, a factor that can be important to employers. The general requirement for taking the ASE examination is two years of experience in the field, but graduation from an automotive vocational program can be substituted for one of those years. For automotive repair alone, there are eight specializations such as brake repair and ignition systems that are available for ASE certification, each with its own exam.Consider whether your preference is working for a dealer or for a repair shop. This isn’t a decision you need to make immediately, your school offers special courses for individual brands, as some do. Usually selecting one of these additional courses adds a few weeks to the educational program, which are generally about a year in length. If you choose to study the workings of Volkswagen or BMW autos, for example, it will be an excellent addition to your resume but may limit your options for seeking employment.Give some thought to becoming a manager. Some automotive vocational schools include classes in business management and the oversight duties involved in running a shop. If you want to learn these skills at the beginning of your career, find an academy or community college program that includes them. And whether or not you choose to pursue management opportunity, continuing education will be a part of your life. A good question on a job interview is whether or not the employer pays for refresher courses for the staff professionals.